Travel Listicle Love
Who doesn't love a list? I was raised on them. My über-organized teacher mother taught me the immense satisfaction of adding chores to my...

Let's Talk Fibroids!
Did you know black women are 3 times more likely to have fibroids, more of them, and with more severe symptoms? Check out the links below...

For the second summer in a row I went to my mother's homeland of Finland and had my mind blown. This time I was hosted by Ruskeat Tytöt...

My pre #MeToo story now available online in Brittle Paper
Last fall, before the Me Too movement broke in the USA, I published a story about a recent unpleasant encounter with a successful...

My African Nordic Summer
What a summer! In early June I presented at the NonfictioNow Conference in Reykjavík Iceland, where I finally met Stockholm-based...

Yes, of course April Fool's Day is our Anniversary
In honor of our Costa Rican April Fool's Elopement 4 years ago, here's the whole wacky story: All of the Above published in The Rumpus,...
My Year of Teaching+Travel
Remember 2015, my Year of Yes, whereupon I resolved to accept all challenges? Write an essay on WHA-? Sure! Fly to Berlin to deliver a...

Turns out my new nephew-by-marriage as obsessed with dinner & identity as I am
#CultureStories #Food #Nigerian #Popup #Identity #Blackness #Foodjustice #Family #BlackLivesMatter #GuessWhosComingtoDinner...